2024年3月8日 / Houston, TX / 戏剧・表演

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地址 Houston, TX
日程 2024年3月8日





In a dark and dingy interrogation room in an unnamed totalitarian state, Katurian is questioned when the gruesome content of his short stories begins to resemble a series of bizarre murders occurring in his town. When the police also take his mentally impaired brother into custody, Katurian must decide how best to protect himself, his brother, and his stories. With echoes of Stoppard, Kafka, and the Brothers Grimm, this dark and provocative tale explores the very nature of nurture.
In a dark and dingy interrogation room in an unnamed totalitarian state, Katurian is questioned when the gruesome content of his short stories begins to resemble a series of bizarre murders occurring in his town. When the police also take his mentally impaired brother into custody, Katurian must decide how best to protect himself, his brother, and his stories. With echoes of Stoppard, Kafka, and the Brothers Grimm, this dark and provocative tale explores the very nature of nurture.
  • [注册人]City of Houston
  • [语言]日本語
  • 注册日期 : 2023/11/14
  • 发布日 : 2023/11/14
  • 更改日期 : 2023/11/14
  • 总浏览次数 : 347 人